Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I love mail!

Today started out with some yummy Oikos vanilla yogurt and frozen blueberries I thawed in the fridge overnight topped with pumpkin flax granola.  It was good and kept me full for hours!  Sometimes my job requires me to be interacting with people in a setting where it is not appropriate for me to chow down on a snack so I try to eat a breakfast that will last.  I was actually pretty surprised this held me over for so long- usually I need a small snack when I only have fruit and yogurt. 

Lunch was a slice of veggie pizza, celery sticks with honey almond butter, a low sodium V8 and a fruit cup.  Can you tell I need to head to the store?  I keep fruit cups (packed in water) and V8s around for "emergency food" so I can at least add fruit and a serving of vegetables to lunch if I don't have the fresh stuff.

Thankfully I stopped by the store on my way home and picked up some colorful bell peppers.  Tonight's dinner featured turkey sausages with peppers and onions over whole wheat pasta.  Yum!

I also worked out for 35 minutes on the elliptical.  I can't wait for the weather to normalize around here so I can get some outdoor activity in!  Until recently it's been really hot and now that it's not in the upper 90's everyday it's raining alot! 

In other news- my Race for the Cure packet came in the mail today!  This is the first time I've gotten a number for any sort of race or walk.  I didn't sign up for a timed chip because I'm with an organization that is walking as a group but I'm entertaining the idea of doing intervals of running and walking.  I guess I'll decide as it gets closer...


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