Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tagged Tuesday

Whew!  Finally sitting down and catching my breath!  Where is April going?  And while we're at it- where did March go???

I have not been doing a very good job of getting exercise in at all!  But today I managed to fit in a 20 minute walk around the parking lot at work and I walked CutCut for 30 minutes when I got home.  Granted I let CutCut set the pace (slow!) so he could sniff everything he's been missing while Scott and I have been busy being bad parents.  But it was nice for sure!  I also ran to the store for a real groccery shopping experience besides just picking up random items here and there.  It was a major produce run! 

Today I had a low-sodium V8 and a pb & j larabar for breakfast.  Meh.  Tomorrow?  I'm thinking a blackberry mango green monster!  Yum!

Tonight for dinner I attempted to make a white wine sauce I saw on bites + bowls and add clams to it.  I am fairly certain I did something not right because my sauce did not turn out quite as nice as Kelsey's.  Boo.  However, it was still tasty and I ate it anyways.  Thank goodness I used canned clams and not the real thing!

So while getting reaquainted with my google reader I finally got caught up on my SimplyShaka and had the very pleasant surprise of discovering I was tagged!  Pop!  (that's the sound of my tag cherry popping in case you didn't know)...  It totally made my day (week, month?) and I've been looking forward to posting my answers for forever so without futher adieu...

1. Who is your style icon?
Hmmm.... starting out with a tough one, are we?  Austin is pretty casual so I wear alot of jeans and tops.  When I'm in the office I try to wear clothes that most closely mimic pajamas without actually being pajamas.  Even though I'm short I hardly ever wear heels because I like to be comfortable.  If I could steal any famous person's style I'd pick Jennifer Aniston.  If I could steal a real person's style I'd pick my gal pal Abby because she always puts together something cute.

2. What is your favorite book?
On the Beach by Nevil Shute.  I read this when I was in 6th grade because it was a "big" book and I wanted to look smart.  It's set in Australia and is about the end of the world as nuclear fallout spreads to the southern hemisphere in the late 1950's.  I re-read it a few years ago and still loved it.  It was made into a movie in 1959 with Fred Astair, Gregory Peck, and Ava Gardner.  It was only ok.  I'm currently reading a book called The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein on the reccomendation of a coworker.  It's written from the perspective of a dog and makes me cry on almost every chapter.  It is good though.

3. Favorite party theme?
I think I have to go with Tiffany on this one and say Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.  I won two years ago with my polyester puff-sleve blouse and Christmas ball ornament vest.  If I can find a picture I will post.  It was rad.  Also at the same party a gal was sporting a 12-days of Christmas sweater which sparked a lovely round of the carol.  Nothing beats an impromptu sing-along!

4. Favorite outdoor activity?
Camping and/or hiking.  I'm very excited to go camping in a few weeks!  Note: very tempted to put "happy hour" in this category.

5. Something you cannot live without?
My Kavu Rope Bag.  This bag is so awesome that when I lost it with all my stuff in it I was most sad about losing my bag, not my wallet.  I immediately purchased a replacement so now I have two, my old one in green (my fav) and the other in tan as a backup.

6. Living person you admire? 
My good friend Mary.  She is always a good sounding board when I need advice and will tell it like it is.  She also has a very strong work ethic, put herself through school to become a nurse, and can do awesome things with a hula hoop.  Everyone should know her- she is the best.

7. Greatest fear? 
Being caught in a car while it is on fire.  Very specific and irrational.  I hope it never happens to me.  

8. Go to favorite meal?
At home: Black bean tostadas.  Tostada, veggie refried black beans, cheese, avocado, tomato, lettuce, fresh and pickled jalapenos with chipotle tobasco sauce.  Hells yeah.  In a restaurant: Verde Chicken Enchiladas.  

9. Which talent would you most like to have?
Hmmm...  I would love to be awesome at hula hooping.  It is so much fun!  I can only do one trick though.  But it's coming along... 

10. Greatest achievement?
I have to go with getting into UT and the coordinated program in dietetics.  I had a pretty pathetic GPA and I brought it up and got in.  The coordinated program only accepted 20 students so I felt really honored to get in.  I decided to go back to school when most people my age were graduating from college on a five-year plan and I pretty much had to start at the beginning.  It was really intimidating and scary but I did it!  

Tommy: You know, alot of people go to college for seven  a million years.  
Richard: I know, they're called doctors. 

Now who to tag... 
lisa eirene from 110 pounds and counting so inspirational- she makes me want a bike!
diana from my marble rye a fellow Texan dweller and keeps me up to date on celebrity gossip
stephanie from cookingfanatic such a positive vibe on there!
allison from eat clean live green she sparks some really good discussions!

Hopefully one of those lovely ladies will stop by and pick up the torch!

Have a good night!  Oh my- sooo past my bedtime!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Well my to-do list is taking a hint from Alice in Wonderland and is shrinking and growing like crazy!  Let's see...

179  225 google reader posts to weed through!

Get house in order for college roommate + baby for Friday visit!  Check!

Get mom a gift for her birthday!  Check!

Make pie for Easter!  Sort of check if by "make pie" I meant purchase cake...

Give dog a bath!  Fail

Work!  Grrr...  check

Buy groceries so I can stop eating out/eating random meals!  (ie deviled eggs, hummus and pita chips- hello?  veggies?  are you there?  no...  I think this is a fail.  I've been trying to eat up stuff since I'm out of town this coming week

Write post about awesome bachelorette party in the Texas Hillcountry Wine territory!  Fail- but still coming!

Buy new computer!  Fail but bought an awesome new phone instead that will help me with my blog addiction.  It's kind of a computer so I'll say check!

Remain calm!!!  Check!

Pack for out of town trip.

Research food options for out of town/pack cooler.

Not too bad...

 Thanks for reading my boring to-do list.  Do you make lists- I'm a list fanatic for sure... 

Rollin' with the homies!
 I just had another awesome weekend!  I am on a roll!  My old college roommate came into town with her new baby (well 7 months old) and it was so fun!  Alina is one of those people who is not a constant figure in my life but whenever we are connected it's just like old times and we can pick up right where we were.  I think it's been at least 3 or 4 years since we last saw each other but it's so comfortable and... well it just feels nice.  We had a really good time hanging out on Friday- I stayed up sooooo late I thought I might see the sun rise!  I love my peeps!

Meatless Update:
All last week my coworker kept asking me if I was excited to eat meat again.  The answer: not really.  Not excited.  I was excited to eat fish again though!  Thursday was Scott's last day from the show he was working on and he was off early so we went and got sushi!!!  So good!  We had such a fun date night- sushi, hit up our new local bar with a pal, then the two of us headed back to the casa and jammed out to the radio and had a dance party on our porch with CutCut.  Oh yeah, meatless update...  So I will be eating meat again.  I really enjoyed eating vegetarian but right now there's just something that doesn't feel right about cutting out food groups.  I think I will be more selective about the kind of meat I eat, etc.  For instance, our friends were grilling steaks last night but I know my folks are having red meat for Easter dinner tonight so I passed on the steaks.   We'll see...  I have been reading The Case for Vegetarianism and it does bring up some good points.

The things I didn't enjoy while eating vegetarian were:

*Having to explain what I was doing to everyone.
*Eating out was boring at times.
*I really wanted fish!
*Going to my parent's for dinner was the worst.  I felt excluded in some ways, I think mainly because my mom forgot what I was doing so I had to make my own food and it felt a little awkward.  Something similar happened at Scott's folk's but they rolled with it better than mine did.

What I did enjoy:

*I really felt good.  I don't really know how to explain it but I didn't feel as heavy after I ate my meals.
*I liked coming up with good meals on my own.
*It felt nice to do something for 31 days.  I accomplished what I set out to do!
*It is helping me evaluate my food philosophy.

Happy Weekend!